Making Money, Side Hustles

7 Money Making Items That Are Sitting In Your Home Right Now

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

A new year is always full of potential and possibilities, especially when it comes to making money and gaining a financial advantage. Starting afresh with a new business idea or money-making scheme can help you start the year off in a comfortable position.

When it comes to money-making side hustles you could venture into something completely different, or you could look around your home right now and look for lucrative opportunities. If you’re not sure to begin, why not take a look at some of the following money-making items that could be sitting in your home right now? Selling these goods online will not only help you to earn a little extra cash, but it will also help you to clear out some much-needed space in your home!

  1. Jewelry

In your home right now, you may have a tonne of valuable jewelry that you could be earning money from. Although you may not think about certain jewelry as an asset, it could carry significant value, especially if it’s pure silver or gold.

Luckily, selling gold jewelry couldn’t be easier! As long as you have access to the internet you can sell it online quickly and effectively. Make sure you time your gold selling appropriately as there are certain times of the year that will be more lucrative than others.

Browse online for the best deals and you’ll soon find everything you need to know with regards to selling your gold or silver jewelry.

  1. Clothing

Your closet is probably bursting with clothing you haven’t worn in a long time, so what do you do with it in this situation? Using an easy platform such as Vinted may help you to make some space in your closet and earn a little extra cash too.

You’ll be surprised at what you can get for certain types of clothing too, so keep an eye out for any designer pieces you’ve got lying around; they could be worth quite a bit!

  1. Furniture 

If you’re a homeowner, you will know how important it is to keep your house up to date-with new and fresh furniture.

But, what do you do with your old furniture when you invest in new long-term pieces? If your unwanted items are still in great condition, you should definitely consider selling them online. Your old furniture could be another person’s favorite new item in their home!

  1. Electronics

Hidden in the deep depths of your junk drawers you probably have a couple of old mobile phones and electronic devices that could be worth a little bit of money now.

Electronics are a valuable commodity that can bring about a tonne of cash if you look in the right places. From mobile phones to unused televisions in your home, you could earn a lot from just a couple of old items you may have previously forgotten about.

  1. Beauty Products

If you’re into health and beauty products, you know how expensive these items can be. Having unopened and unused products is also extremely common, so why not sell them and make some money back?

Realistically, you know you’re never going to use that unused foundation, new makeup set and unopened perfume, so why not sell them and earn a little bit of money back too?

  1. Home Accessories 

As the seasons change, you probably switch up your home decor now and again to suit the latest trends. This often means that home accessories can build up in storage and never really get used again.

Home accessories such as candles, cushion covers and vases can sell for good money online so you may want to explore these possibilities too.

  1. Digital Products

Although these may not necessarily be lying around your home, you can certainly sell digital products from the comfort of your own home. If you have the skill to share such as music, or an online lesson you may want to maximize on this opportunity whilst you can.

When it comes to selling your very first digital product, you need to have a clear target audience and do your research before you launch straight into it. Taking your time to gradually work on your product will make it much more lucrative in the long run.

As you can see, there are a whole host opportunities that go hand in hand with making a little extra cash. You may not realize it but you could be surrounded by jewelry, clothing and other household items that could boost your bank balance instantly!

About Kat

Kat is a UC Berkeley graduate who launched her career at San Francisco startups, but her true passion has always been personal finance and the pursuit of early retirement. Since college, she committed to aggressive saving, building up a financial cushion—her "FU money"—to gain independence and take risks. In 2019, at just 24, Kat used her savings to travel the world while building her first business, which continues to thrive today. Through her blog, Cash for Kat, Kat initially documented her travels and entrepreneurial journey. Now, she shares personal finance strategies, business insights, and tips on financial freedom, empowering others to take control of their money and create the life they want.
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