Thanks for your interest in writing a guest post for cashforkat.com, a personal finance site geared towards sharing financial tips, tools, and resources.
I am looking for guest posts for 2021 and am interested in partnering with bloggers from various niches that relate to finance. Each month, I publish 1-2 guest posts that are SEO optimized and contain links back to the writer’s site. If you are a newer blogger, you are welcome to guest post for us as well. I love collaborating with new writers!
As this is a financially focused website, any posts must be at least loosely related to personal finance. That being said, we love showcasing diverse and exciting ideas related to this niche! Most of my readers are either at the beginning of their personal finance journey or personal finance bloggers themselves. Guest posts can be either beginner-friendly or more advanced, as long as they cover the topic in a way that is conversational and easy to understand.
In addition to personal finance, this blog covers a variety of topics related to business and entrepreneurship. For the last year or so, I have been documenting my journey as a young business owner. As this topic has a lot to do with building income streams, making money, and keeping expenses low, I’ve found it to be very relevant for this blog. If you have your own business or side hustle, I would be more than happy to showcase your story!
We are currently accepting guest posts on the following topics:
- Personal Finance
- Credit Cards
- Taxes
- Saving
- Student Loans
- Budget Travel
- Debt Pay Off
- Crypto Currencies / Bitcoin
- Buying Homes
- Starting Businesses
- Selling Products
- Anything else related to money!
Benefits of Guest Posting for Cash for Kat:
- Up to 3 links back to your site throughout the post/ author bio
- Exposure to my email list and Twitter following of 2,500+
- Post added to the Featured Guest Posts section of this page
- If interested, I would be happy to write a guest post for your site as well!
Submission Guidelines for Your Personal Finance Guest Post:
- The topic must be appropriate for our audience (finance related)
- Post must be 700+ words with a focused keyword
- Posts must be unique and not copied from anywhere!
- We would love it if you utilize Grammarly’s free grammar checker before submitting your post!
Have a Guest Post Idea?
The best way to reach me is via Twitter as I am on there almost daily. You can also send us an email with a general topic idea to kat@katrucker.com.
Are you ready to write for Cash for Kat but need ideas? Please reach out! I am happy to help you with brainstorming, share a shortlist of guest post ideas, or find other ways to collaborate!
Other Collaboration Opportunities
This is an actively growing community and as such, I am always looking for new ways to collaborate. I do participate in link building via link exchanges, as long as the articles and website are useful and relevant. Simply put, any inserted links should add value to the reader and are not purely for the purpose of building Domain Authority. Please reach out via Twitter for a fast response!
I’m also more than happy to collaborate with non-bloggers. Do you have a Youtube channel or Podcast? I’m happy to be a guest for your channel and have you try your hand at writing a guest post! If you have any other collaboration ideas or opportunities, please reach out.
Featured Guest Posts
Here is the list of guest posts we’ve had so far! This list is in order of appearance:
- Kathrin from A Chat With Kat: 0 to Full-Time Income
- Ben from Your NYC Dollar: NYC on a Budget: A Guide for Visitors From a New Yorker
- Johannes van der Spuy: Property Investments in South Africa: A Local’s Experience
- Matt from Millennial Mutiny: How to Maximize Your Financial Freedom- Even in a Downturn!
- Angela from The Coin Savvy Aunt: How to Make a Personal Budget (& Pay Down Debt!)
- Robyn from A Dime Saved: Why is a Budget Important?