Back of a man staring at a wall with numerous symbols above him

Psychology of Money: How Emotions Impact Financial Decisions

Investing isn’t just about numbers, charts, and spreadsheets. Behind every market move or trade is a human mind, complete with emotions and biases that can deeply influence financial decisions. The psychology of money, rooted in behavioral finance, sheds light on how our emotions often dictate investment choices, sometimes even at the cost of logic or reason. These emotional responses can…

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Glasses, calculator, and pen on top of a document

Why Every Future Retiree Needs a Retirement Calculator

Planning for retirement doesn’t have to feel overwhelming or uncertain. A well-prepared retirement strategy can mean the difference between financial confidence and unexpected difficulties during your golden years. But how do you know if you’re saving enough or spending too much? Enter the retirement calculator, a game-changing tool for future retirees. Whether you’re years away or nearing retirement, a retirement…

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What You Absolutely Need To Build Wealth And Financial Freedom Whether you like it or not, you simply must put yourself in a solid financial position in life. You cannot expect to have a comfortable life if you are completely neglecting your finances. It doesn’t mean you have to possess financial goals that put you in the top fraction of a percentage, but you should be mature with it…

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3 Key Lessons Everyone Should Learn About Investing

Picture – Pixabay License If you’re starting to seriously plan your financial future, then you may have a good idea that saving isn’t enough. You need to invest your money too! Saving and investing operate on different principles. You may need to learn some new rules as you decide where to put your money. Here are a few principles that…

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personal finance investing podcast
Destroy Debt, Investing, Making Money, Saving Money, Tips

13 Best Personal Finance and Investing Podcasts

The world of podcasting has exploded in popularity over the past few years. In this ever-expanding landscape of audio content, investing podcasts have emerged as a valuable resource for those seeking to grow their wealth and make well-informed financial decisions.  Investing is a complex and ever-changing topic that requires constant learning to improve your skills. With the help of podcasts,…

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Examples of Financial Goals
Goal Setting, Investing, Making Money, Property Investing, Saving Money, Starting a Business, Tips

10 Examples of Financial Goals and How to Achieve Them

This post shares examples of financial goals and helps you find ways to achieve them! Financial goals provide a clear roadmap for your financial journey, enabling you to make informed decisions, establish healthy habits, and track your progress along the way. They serve as beacons of motivation, empowering you to take control of your finances, build wealth, and secure a…

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Life-changing ways to invest in yourself
Investing, Tips

13 Life-Changing Ways to Invest in Yourself

If you found this post, it is likely because you are ready to take the first step toward investing in yourself. Congratulations! You’d be hard-pressed to find a person who says, “I don’t want to invest in myself”. That’s because everyone knows that even a small investment can greatly improve your quality of life! To successfully invest in yourself, you…

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best wealth management apps
Investing, Saving Money, Tips

13 Best Wealth Management Apps (2023)

With so many options for keeping track of your money, it can become overwhelming to decide which financial tools you should use. That is why I wanted to pull together a list of the 13 best wealth management apps, along with the ones I personally use, so that you can pick the best one for you. I’ve used most of…

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Cambodia, Countries, Investing

Investment Opportunities in Cambodia

I am originally from California and, as a result, I’ve always looked at housing costs in San Francisco ($750,000+ ) and my hometown of Sacramento ($400,000+). Needless to say, the idea of owning a home was something I pictured would happen in my 40s. When I quit my job to travel the world, I found I had a deep curiosity…

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investing 1000 a month
Investing, Making Money

Investing 1,000 Dollars a Month Made Easy

I was still in college when I started investing 1,000 dollars a month. That I firmly believe that this is something anyone can do! The key is to make sure you are managing your money properly. Of course, to invest $1,000 a month, you must first learn how to save $1,000 a month. The two main things you will need…

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